Hey mala sisters :) I had a spiritual reading today with our witch and it was amazing ♥️ I was able to connect with loved ones (I didn't think they wanted to come through bc I thought they didn't like spirituality/magic but turns out they do LOL). I was able to get a form of closure about my grandfathers passing. I thought it wasn't his time, and our witch confirmed it wasn't. My other side of my family didn't invite my mom or me to his funeral, the only reason I even knew was bc I found his death certificate in the mail months later..
Also for those who don't know, the reason I got involved with magic/ found bruijuta mala was because a past sneaky link hexed me when I had no idea. And our witch confirmed with me that he TRIED to throw at me AGAIN last night 😭 it's been no contact for 5 years 🤣🤣 and Santa protected me very grateful ♥️
I Was also able to get clarity on my meditations/clairaudience, and the only reason I was able to even open up my clairaudience was bc of our witch guiding me/reading my cards for so long 🫶🏻